Hofacker 0182 – The great Book of Games
Hofacker-Bücher – Nr. 182 – Autor Franz Ende
1. Auflage – Erscheinungsjahr 1984 – ISBN 3-88963-182-7
Table of contents
- Slot-Machine
- Roulette
- Mice
- Super Three
- Lotto
- Collision
- Flip-Flop
- Maze
- Attack
- Artillery
- Magic Square
- Turnabout
- Distance between two Cities
- Curves
- Mosquitos
- Worldtime
- Concentration
- Ball Dance
- Space Shuttle
- Introduction into working with binary numbers
- Free fall and upward throw
- The sloping movement
- Graphics with the Commodore 64
- High-resolution graphics
- Multi-color mode
- Smooth scrolling
- Sprites
- Sprite Editor
- Sound
- Joystick and paddles